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Pathetic Pinhead Wiki

Percy Wetmore horrified

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Cindy is a prominent character in the Kindergarten series. She is a bratty, abusive kid who cares about very little other than herself and will berate, and bully anyone she deems lower than her.

What Makes Her Pathetic?[]

  • She is extremely self-righteous, to the point where she actively bullies others for no rational reason, such as how she only bullies Lily because she sees her as ugly and because her brother broke up with her.
  • She has no issues with throwing others under the bus for her own personal gain, such as how she will accuse the player of raping her if they get on her nerves.
  • She will straight up murder the player if they fail to comply with her while playing house.
  • She humiliated Lily so badly to the point where she ended up committing suicide, with her not even showing an ounce or remorse for it.
  • Despite having a tragedy in losing her dog Biscuit to the school's janitor, it ultimately does nothing to justify how cruel and egotistical she is.

What Makes Her a Pinhead?[]

  • While she did successfully humiliate Lily, most of the planning was done by the protagonist rather than herself, not to mention how easily this plan can derail.
  • While she's a kindergartner (which aren't expected to have the highest intelligence), Kindergarten as a series is shown to have many characters with high amounts of intelligence, Cindy by comparison has proved herself to be incredibly incompetent and stupid.
  • Despite claiming herself to be a vegan, she has no idea what that even is and will eat anything as long as it isn't slop.
  • When the player dumps a bucket of blood on her head instead of Lily's, she responds by running out onto the road and getting hit by a car.
  • She is easily deceived by a fake gem into doing the player's bidding, at which point she is told to stick a fork into an electrical outlet, something that she does with little hesitation.
  • Despite trying to accuse the player of such, she isn't even aware of what raping actually means or what it entails.

External Links[]
