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Pathetic Pinhead Wiki

Clarence James Darby is the overarching antagonist of the 2009 Thriller film Law Abiding Citizen.

Darby is a psychotic thug, who alongside his partner; Rupert Ames, 10 years before the main events of the film, break into Clyde Shelton and his family’s house. However what was meant to be a simply house burglary, quickly turns into a blood bath, when Darby rapes and murders Clyde’s wife and young daughter out of sheer sadistic pleasure. However, when Darby with help from Nick Rice escapes justice for his horrific crimes, and only receiving a measly 3 years in prison (after having Nick pin the blame for what happened on Ames in Court), Clyde loses his faith in the Justice System, and plots to essentially dismantle it afterwards.

He was portrayed by Christian Stolte.

What Makes Him Pathetic?[]

  • After having beaten Clyde and his wife down with a baseball bat whilst Rupert steals their belongings, he outright unzips his pants and begins to straight up rape Clyde’s wife after having stabbed her as well as Clyde, and then acting abusive to Rupert when he made a weak attempt to stop what was happening.
  • After having raped Clyde’s wife whilst she bled out, he noticed Clyde’s daughter where he drops his infamous and vile “I’m good with children” line, where he then takes her into Clyde and his wife’s bedroom where he very likely proceeds to rape her, a 10 year old girl and then murdering her after.
  • Made a snide comment about Nick’s wife (when noticing Nick’s wedding ring), with him only backing off when Nick threatened to refuse to help Clarence.
  • Due to lack of proper evidence to truly and fully convict him as the main culprit for the crime, Clarence with Nick’s help, testifies against Rupert in Court, technically committing Perjury as well (whilst framing himself as a minor accomplice to murder thus only getting 3-5 years in prison whilst Rupert had to wait an entire decade to be given the death sentence for something he tried to stop even if he was an idiot and too cowardly to do that much to stop what was happening).
  • Shakes Nick’s hand whilst the aftermath of his and Rupert’s trail and sentencing was on live television outside the courthouse in a pathetic attempt at appearing good, and taking about how good and fair justice is in a visibly menacing and condescending way, to the point even Nick tells him to get away from him and basically thinking to himself about how pathetic Clarence truly is. In fact, Clarence is so pathetic, that Nick 10 years later, forgot his name.
  • A decade later, he laughs at Rupert’s painful death and lethal injection going wrong. What makes this particularly pathetic, is that mere hours later, Clarence himself is put in an even worse form of pain than Rupert, and due to not being able to speak, instead begs for his life through sounds, muffles and other desperate movements.
  • When being called by Clyde and hearing police sirens outside his apartment building, he kicks the stripper he’d been sleeping with who was asleep on his bed, for no real reason (though it could be slightly explained by the police arriving).
  • Attempts to shoot and murder a “random police officer” that he was instructed to take as hostage in his police car, and being willing to shoot the “officer” even when he says he has a family to go home to. Clarence then attempts to shoot the “officer”, only for the “officer” to reveal he’s actually Clyde in disguise who intentionally lured Clarence into a satisfying and well deserved trap, where he drugs, kidnaps and tortured him to death for what he did to his wife and daughter a decade before.

What Makes Him a Pinhead?[]

  • He openly rapes Clyde’s wife with at least three people present (even if one is tied down, one is too incompetent to do anything and the other is a young girl who has zero clue what’s going on), before being heavily implied to have done the same to Clyde’s daughter. Plus the fact that the DNA was admissible and Clyde backed out of giving a testimony is more pure luck on Darby’s part rather than something he was intelligent enough to predict, plan or foresee.
  • While he eventually backed off (likely out of fear of then having to face the consequences of his actions otherwise), making comment about Nick’s wife (which could be easily interpreted as a genuine threat considering what he did to Clyde’s wife and daughter) was a fairly idiotic thing to do considering Nick was the only person who could even remotely help Darby as much as he did.
  • When escaping his apartment, he needlessly shoots at a police car when he could’ve easily and effectively escaped the rooftop (which aside from that one thing, he did fairly easily and effectively).
  • Was stupid enough to listen to Clyde (or the guy who apparently wanted him out of prison which technically isn’t exactly a lie) in the first place over the phone and willingly doing some pretty stupid stuff like running from the police (who technically could’ve helped him quite easily in this situation considering Clarence clearly both ain’t smart enough and didn’t have the technical skills to have murdered Rupert, and how he would’ve easily proven he didn’t hack the system handling the lethal injection protocol, thus also proving he would’ve been framed), dumping his gun without much questioning even if he was slightly baffled and taken back, running through the city streets where security cameras regardless of what he thought was apparently going to happen would easily catch him on camera, and not even feeling the needles on the “gun” he stole from Clyde disguised as a police officer, that injected him with the Pufferfish venom concoction that injected into and paralysed him when he foolishly attempted to shoot Clyde when he revealed himself. Overall, most of his death was the cause and result of his own idiocy and being exposed for the true cowardly rapist he is.

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