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Pathetic Pinhead Wiki

Percy Wetmore horrified

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The unnamed Killer Santa is the overarching antagonist of the first 3 Silent Night, Deadly Night films, he is an enigmatic serial killer who caused Billy Chapman and Ricky Chapman to become villains in both the first movie (for Billy) and the other 2 movies (for Ricky).

He was portrayed by the late Charles Dierkop.

What Makes Him Pathetic?[]

  • He kiled Mr. Levitt by shooting him 3 times in the head with a gun, and he then stole all of the money from the cashier.
  • He tried to rob the Chapman family of their car when the unnamed Chapman father asked him if he needed a ride.
  • He killed Billy and Ricky's father with the same gun, and then wrecked the family's car in the process.
  • He also tried to rapes the unnamed Chapman mother, and then stilted her throat when she tried to stop him from doing so.
  • He tried to make the child Billy come out of hiding so he could kill him.
  • He indirectly caused all of the crimes that Billy and Ricky committed when they were older.

What Makes Him a Pinhead?[]

  • He seemingly has no plans when it comes to his murders, as he just kills a random person and then moves onto his next victim.
  • He stupidly stands out in the road when he kills Billy and Ricky's parents, meaning that any police officer could have showed up and arrested him (but he just didn't care).
  • He was also too stupid to check the car to see if there was anybody else in it, which is why he didn't go after Ricky.
  • He lazily stood out in the road when he tried to get Billy to stop hiding, showing that he didn't want to chase after him and thought that he would come out on his own, and once again. A police officer could have saw what he was trying to do, and it is heavily implied that he got arrested while trying this and all of his other actions.

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